And that’s how the Zombie Clown was born
And now he’s rapping with some blue hair kid
And that’s how the Zombie Clown was born
And now he’s rapping with some blue hair kid
So this is the original John Wick
I like the fact where Tricky kills the grunts family and at the end he took a piece of cake with him
I really like king dee dee voice and really cool and disturbing video
Don’t worry Tricky is gonna want to fight him again and heal him again
Boombox man never dies
We can all agree this is at least better than g a m e t o o n s
The Selzure hurt but this is a cool animation
The Fathers laugh though
I’m just your average Newgrounds user
It's RussellToons btw
Or just called me Russell
20, Male
Procreate Artist
Fort Squidward
Joined on 3/17/21